Do I BELIEVE that "she believes" she'll actually be elected President? No. Based on this answer, what's her agenda?
IF Congresswoman Bachmann wants to be elected to this country's highest office, she deserves the same level of professional & public scrutiny as President Obama (and ALL the Presidents before him).
The following stories take a hard look at this candidate's personal and political background:
The New Yorker
Leap of Faith ~
The making of a Republican front-runner.
by Ryan Lizza
Rolling Stone
Michele Bachmann's Holy War
By Matt Taibbi
The Los Angeles Times
Bachmann's had her share of government aid
By Melanie Mason and Matea Gold (Washington Bureau)
Army Times
Bachmann plan would cut veterans benefits
By Rick Maze
There must be a reason why 67% of "polled" Republicans DO NOT like the current field of TEN candidates. It's a bit curious that Texas Governor Rick Perry waited until AFTER the debt ceiling crisis to announce his run for the White House. Can you say Karl Rove?
Bachmann Update:
Game Over!
The Iowa Straw Poll's main goal is to help the local Republican Party raise money during each new Presidential election cycle. With Bachmann's rather poor Iowa Caucus showing, in four years, her inflated candidacy will give the 24/7 political pundits something to banter about on all the talking head news channels (CCN, MSNBC & Faux News).
Oddball Iowa: A Guide to Some Really Strange Places (Paperback)