Reporter's Private Notebook
Wednesday, November 09, 2011
The Former King of K Street Speaks Out?
"Our system is flawed and needs to be fixed."
~ Jack Abramoff
60 Minutes
November 6, 2011
According to the Center for Responsive Politics (based on data collected from the Senate Office of Public Records), in 2010, 12,951 lobbyists worked the corridors of power in Washington D.C. on behalf of a long list of corporate clients.
If you think corporate influence on the democratic process is limited to just the White House and Capital Hill, think again.
The residents of quiet North Dakota, a state rarely mentioned in the national media, got an education on the real workings of
crony capitalism
. Earlier this year, the former Republican Governor personally lobbied the state's representatives in Bismarck to lower the tax rates for oil companies. As a thank you, one extremely grateful oil company gift wrapped a new job title and 11,945 shares of its own stock (worth over $770,000) to Ed Schafer.
No Higher Honor: A Memoir of My Years in Washington ~ Condoleezza Rice (Hardcover)
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